Well, we went out to look at our house again tonight. They have put chicken wire up and black sheeting against the house. Plus they put all the scaffolding up, so they will probably do the stucco and rock work on the outside this week. On the inside of the house they put the texture on the walls, so the inside is rdy to be painted. There was only one small problem that we could see, and that was that there is a spot where the TV is supposed to go in the loft, and it looks like they just sheetrocked right over it and forgot to cut a hole for the TV jack box. Lucky for us, our rep showed up at the house doing a check to make sure they had textured that day, and so we showed him the spot and he said he would get it taken care of immediately. So that was nice.
Then we were going to go hang out at Sadie and Eddies but they were out doing Christmas stuff so we just stopped there long enough for Crystal to use the bathroom. Crystal was bummed that Maddey wasnt there, so we took her and Rooker and Bailey and went to McDonalds and let them play on the huge playset. They loved it. We ate 99cent hamburgers and water. It was fun.
Amy seems to have gotten ahold of a romance book that she is absolutely in love with. She puts it down every 5 minutes to give me an update on whats happening. She is absolutely enthralled with the story. The name of the book is "Almost Heaven" by Judith McNaught. Neither of us has ever heard of the author before, but she sure has gotten Amy's full and complete attention. My mom calls these romance novels "Fluffy Books", and she reads them all the time too.
One day my mom was reading one of these "fluffy books" and I was working on the computer. All of the sudden I saw the HUGEST grin come across my mother's face. I could tell she was beaming inside. I said "did you just read a really good romantic part?" She said "yes" and just kept on reading.
Im surrounded by cheesy romantics!
Anyway, I really dont have a wife till she finishes this book, then I will have a wife for a few days till she finds another one. I guess I cant complain with as much time as I spend on the computer.
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7 years ago
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