I came home today just a bit tired. So I was a teency bit grumpy. The nice thing is I get to ride home with Ed, and we just blah blah blah blah the whole way home, not really enough time to sit and stew about how grumpy you are.
Then we had scouts, which is always a little stressful. They are 8 yr olds, and they have WAY too much energy. They started kicking those huge balls we use for kickball in the house, and I got on em a little and we finally got scouts started. Then about 1/2 way through, one of the scouts thought he would continue kicking the ball, I swear I asked him like 10 times to stop kicking it (its so hard to not yell at someone cause they arent your own kid), and then CRASH BANG SKXKZKKSKXZZZ. The ball hit our main light in the entryway and shattered it all over the floor. Woh was my blood boiling. I basically shut everything down and had them call their parents to come get em and then sent em outside to play till their parents got here.
And then, a song came to my head...
Some beach
There's a big umbrella casting shade over an empty chair.
Palms trees are growin
And warm breezes blowin
I picture myself out there
On some beach
Obat Keputihan Aman Tanpa Efek Samping
*Obat Keputihan Aman Tanpa Efek Samping* - Keputihan adalah masalah pada
organ intim wanita dan hal itu wajar dialami oleh setiap wanita selama
keputihan t...
7 years ago
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