Have you ever watched those movies where they have some town event or get together, and it is just surreal? Like eveyone is having a good time, the kids are running around screaming and chasing each other, all the mom's are talking about how good each other's pies are, and it just has an 'air' of a down home good time?
Well, I finally had one. I seem to remember having alot of them when I was little, but now that Im a grown-up, they seem to be few and far between, but I finally had one. Of course our family get-togethers dont count, they are always a blast - no-one has family get togethers like the Lymans. Im talking about a community event.
So we went to the fair yesterday, which in and of itself was really fun, very expensive, and very tiring. But on the way home, driving through Tooele, we noticed the Farmers Market going on in the town square. Tooele does this EVERY friday. I bought a nice bag and a zillion vegetables for $2, it was great. BUT ANYWAY. The market goes till about 7pm, and then they have some concert or speech or some presentation of some sort. I have always seen them while driving by, but never attended. Well this time I was determined to attend. So I took Crystal, and we picked up Maddy, and went back to the Farmers Market.
About 7pm, a medium sized crowd gathered around the center of the town square, lots brought their own chairs. The mayor introduced 'T minus 5' as the evenings entertainment. They are an accapella group. They were pretty good, Im personally not much for those types of groups. But Maddy and Crystal were having the greatest time in the world. They were dancing, then they chased each other around some tree and played some game where they were tackling each other. I was having the greatest time with the music in the background and the kids laughing their heads off, and the nice cool evening, and the happy crowd of people, and the smell of all the vegetables, etc etc etc. It was a very enjoyable and relaxing time.
Eventually we went for a walk down main street and looked in all the windows of the stores (most of the stores I didnt even know existed) and Maddy and Crystal thought all the empty ones were haunted and they were kinda scared. It was funny.
But all in all, it made it feel like it was the perfect day.
I hope there are more days like that in the future.
Obat Keputihan Aman Tanpa Efek Samping
*Obat Keputihan Aman Tanpa Efek Samping* - Keputihan adalah masalah pada
organ intim wanita dan hal itu wajar dialami oleh setiap wanita selama
keputihan t...
7 years ago
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