My desire to blog comes and goes. I thought I would just do a quick one to kinda catch up on everything that has gone on since the last blog.
I broke down and bought a phat TV and satellite. Got a 50 inch plasma. The first week or so, it was so big, it was awesome. Now it seems like just a normal TV. The awe-inspiring feeling is already gone. But I did finally get satellite. I havent had any TV for 5 years, so it was quite a swing. But I enjoy it. Im watching Lost, Reaper, CSI (all of them). Amy records American Idol and Dance War. She is a big time reality freak. I record Danny Phantom for the kids since they seem to enjoy that the most.
Along with the TV, we bought brand new, large capacity, front-load washer and dryer and a new love-seat and couch. They should arrive Monday (sometime between 2pm and 7pm. I mean cmon, cant get any more specific than that?)
We also bid out our basement to a contractor from Lehi. They have been down there all day today doing framing. He said it would take about 6-8 weeks total. Not too bad. It will be really nice when it is all done. We are having it completely finished. Bathroom, 2 bedrooms, massive living room, storage rooms, closets. It will be sooooo nice to send all the kids downstairs.
Right now our 3 oldest all share a single bedroom (which by the way works out fine, we have good kids). And almost every night I tell them a story when they are all in bed. Yesterday Crystal got all worried, cause when they finish the basement, and she and Rooker get their own rooms, they wont get stories anymore. I reasurred her I can still come down and tell them stories. She is pretty adamant every night about getting stories. Sometimes, if I try to sneak away without telling them, she will come in my room later and demand a story before she will go to bed.
Also, Amy's mother is on her way down as I type with 4 lambs. We will pen them in the back with a hutch that she is also bringing. Then Amy and the kids will have to feed them and care for them etc. Im guessing this is a good thing, although my involvement in that whole affair is questionable at this point. My biggest concern is what is going to happen when they grow up? My bet is that they will just stay on our land and get hugely fat and gross. Amy thinks she will sell them or slaughter them, but I lack faith. We shall see.
Things at work are just a blur at this point. Phil and Brett both left and I am doing most of what they did. Ive kinda adopted the strategy that I will just deal with issues as they arise instead of doing preventative maintenance or R&D of anykind. Its not like that every day, but most of the time it feels this way. So far everything has worked out. So far....
Obat Keputihan Aman Tanpa Efek Samping
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7 years ago
IT's about time!!! j/k You guys are crazy busy. Can't wait to come see all the changes.
Awesome, although I will miss riding the turny car thingies on the concrete in your basement with my winter coat on. I'm glad you guys are back on the 'satellite' train. You need to start watching American Idol so we can talk about it.
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