Obat Keputihan Aman Tanpa Efek Samping
*Obat Keputihan Aman Tanpa Efek Samping* - Keputihan adalah masalah pada
organ intim wanita dan hal itu wajar dialami oleh setiap wanita selama
keputihan t...
September 2017
Grandma Townsend sent all of the kids matching Halloween pajamas and they
love them!
Justin taught the kids how to throw cards.
Our cousins came to visi...
Memorial Day Hike
This has been a tradition for 7 years now (thanks Shelly and Jens for
starting it). James was going to be out of town for work on Memorial Day
so we did...
The End
I've been keeping this blog since I got married back in 2007. It started
out kind of silly and turned into a great journal for our family. I've
decided, ...
The 2nd Graders at Settlement were asked to pick a person in history that
they could present at a "Wax Museum". They had about a month or so to work
on it...
Baby Showers
My families were so nice and threw me a couple of baby showers for this
little guy. Both of them were so cute and perfect! The whole time during
both of...
The Nursery
We had to rearrange rooms and move kids around to get ready for baby girl.
We decided to move the boys out of their room and turn it into a nursery.
And We're Back...
It was a busy and eventful week for us. Here are the events in no
particular order.
M and M posing just before putting on a dance concert for myself and ...
Its been a while again and blogger takes so long to uplaod pics that I am
just going to do a couple quick. Sorry! I would do more but I dont have all
day t...
Dog Problems
There are quite a few people running/walking with the spring weather, I
personally have had some dog issues and have started running with Mace, I
know of a...
Baby Blessing & Family Photo
We blessed Zack this past Sunday. Such a special and awesome experience.
Justin gave such a special blessing to our last little baby. The special
and awe...
30 thoughts for my 30th
I guess "30" is supposed to be this huge milestone in life, whether it's
because it's an end to the Roaring 20's and into the Great Depression, or
just be...
Blahg Blahg Blahg
Still trying to figure out this whole blog thing...
I was "encouraged" by my sister-in-law to post more, so she can read about
my crazy life, I guess. The ...
Ok,ok, i know I am a super blog slacker! I don't really have a good reason
either, I just don't:) So what to write? Well school is going very well for
the ...
"a while"? what does that even mean?
So, it has been a while since i've blogged. For all those wanting to know
what is new in my life can read Libby's blog! Sweet! Thanks for reading!
1 st Day of School
Today is Cade and Lexi's 1st day of Kindergarten so I thought it would be
fun to post all of their first day of school pictures. I don't have thier
2004 sc...
that is terrible! No one should mess with Pride & Prejudice!
I am deeply offended.
I think only men would enjoy this book.
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