Saturday April 4th - Sunday April 12th
Mat & K'Lyn Lyman, Mark & Amy Lyman, Eddie & Sadie Lyman, Brett & Carrie Lyman, Daniel & Riki Lyman, Ben & Libby Lyman, Joseph Lyman, Ted Mortensen, Mindy & Jody Robison, Travis & Michelle Robison, Kelsey Robison, Amanda Robison, Jace & Pam Mortensen, Weston Mortensen
Friday April 3rd
I took work off this day so I could help pack and shuffle the kids to Idaho to Amy's parents who watched them the entire time we were gone. It wasn't too hectic of a day. It's amazing how much stuff you have to pack for a family of 7 for 9 days. We met Amy's mother in Brigham City and traded cars. And then we were free!!!!
Saturday April 4th
We got to the airport sometime in the morning. Everyone had printed their boarding passes online. Me and Amy just did SkyCap and everyone else went inside to check their bags. Dads bag was 5 pounds over the 50 pound limit and they wanted to charge him $90. The SkyCap didn't even weigh our bags.
We flew to Denver CO, where we had 20 minutes to get on the next flight. We were all worried we weren't gonna make it or that our bags wouldn't make it, so we all packed our swimsuits in our carryon just in case. But we had plenty of time and the departing gate was right next to our arrival gate. From Denver we flew to Atlanta, then finally to Florida.
We got checked into the Hotel and went to an amazing seafood place. It was actually a place like Cabellas with a restaurant. It was HUGE. I ordered ALOT of sushi. It was delicious.
We all had to share rooms that night, so it was Sadie and Eddie and Me and Amy in our room.
Sunday April 5th
We got up and into the taxi and arrived on the Ship by like 1pm-ish or something. We got checked into our cabins and went directly to the buffet. The buffets are always so dang good. We ate like pigs and then walked around the ship, checked out where we were eating dinner, etc.
At 5:30pm the ship set sail with a big dance party at the top. We watched everyone get drunk and have a great time as the band played and we waved to people on the shore. This is generally the most exciting part of the cruise, is the beginning when you know you have 8 days of pure relaxation and enjoyment in front of you.
At 6pm we hurried down to dinner, where we all ordered lots of shrimp cocktail and questioned foreign words on the menu. Our waiters were fantastic and we had a great time.
After dinner we all went the Princess Theatre where they put on a production of some of the shows we were to expect during the cruise. There were some singers, a comedian who made me laugh so hard I cried, and an illusionist. It was pretty fun.
After that we went back to the buffet to play games, talk about the excursions coming up, and eat to keep ourselves topped off.
Then we all went to bed to the best sleeps of our lives. 8 days still ahead, a gently rocking boat, and no reason to get up. Ahhhhh.
Monday April 6th
Today we arrived at an island known as Princess Cays. Its a privately owned Island by Princess Cruises. Its beautiful. Beautiful beaches, lots of activities such as jet skiing, snorkeling, scuba diving, body boarding, shell hunting, shopping, paddle boats, bananna rides, and more. At 12pm-ish, they have an all you can eat BBQ. So we snorkeled our brains out, ate till we couldnt see straight, did some shopping, then lounged around on the beach till it was time to go back on the ship.
We got back on the ship in time for our dinner appt again at 6pm. I dont remember what was on the menu this night, but Im sure it was outrageously delicious. I always had 3 orders of shrimp cocktail, cause I think they are so good. Then I still get an appetizer, a soup, a main course, and dessert. I mean, its all free, why not go crazy?
That night some of us went to the play Destination Anywhere and some of us went to see the comedian. Amy & I went to the comedian. He was downright hilarious and made me laugh till my insides hurt and my eyes were sore from the tears.
Then back to the buffet, games, talking about the next day, and bed on a gently rocking ship. Ahhhh.
Tuesday April 7th
We spent the day at sea this day as we travelled to the island of St Maarten. There was tons of stuff to do on board. Golf, shuffle board, ping pong competitions, bingo, shows, comedians, magicians, acrobats from Cirque du Soleil, pool games. There is so much to do you can't possibly do it all. I always enjoy watching the pool games, but I never participate. They have a game called Fruit in your Suit, where they throw a bunch of fruit in the pool (Pineabpples, Watermelons, Oranges, Limes, Kiwis, etc) and they have 2 teams of 5, a girls and boys team. They each take turns jumping into the pool and stuffing as much fruit as they can into their suits and then getting out of the pool. Its always hilarious to watch them try to stuff pineapples and watermelons into their skimpy suits.
That night Amy & I went to watch the musical of Destination Anywhere. I really enjoyed it.
That night instead of the same old routine, I hit the hot tubs and the steam room with Joe and Weston. After that I felt like I was just a pile of melted butter. I slept sooooo good that night. Ahhhh.
Wednesday April 8th
Today we arrived at the Island of St. Maarten. This was our most adventerous day. We rented scooters with Brett & Carrie and Daniel & Riki and Ben & Libby. We each got a single scooter as a couple and doubled up. The island can be driven all the way around in about 1 hour. Its a very small place.
St. Maarten is divided between the Dutch and the French. We drove into the French capitol and did some shopping and lunch. Amy & I had Creole Shrimp for lunch with rice and salad. It was delicious.
Then we got on our scooters and drove to a beach where we did some more snorkeling while the girls hung out on the beach. We found some giant star fish, some sand dollars, Daniel even found a $1 bill down in the rocks in the ocean.
We got back a little late from snorkeling and headed back towards the ship at 4:30ish. The ship was scheduled to leave at 6pm. You would think we had plenty of time right? Wrong.
We hit traffic big time. They have bridges everywhere that go up and down as boats drive through the island and it backed traffic way up. We were getting worried. So Daniel & Riki just suddenly took off and went in the middle of traffic on the white line that divides the road from the oncoming traffic. We all just followed by instinct, but I was sure a french cop was gonna grab us, detain us, and we would miss the ship completely. We drove forever and by 5:20ish I was really worried. At this point we were continually driving down the divider line just hoping we could get back in time. Other motorcycles were doing it too, so it must be somewhat accepted that you can do that. Then somehow we all got split up and we waited for Ben & Libby. Eventually Ben got some directions and about 5:35 we stumbled onto the scooter drop off and we hurried back to the boat and got in just a few minutes before it left. Brett/Carrie and Daniel/Riki also made it. PHEW! That was a little nerve racking.
Dinner, Buffet, Games, Shows, Hot Tub, Steam Room, Buffet again, bed.
Still makes me nervous just thinking about how close we got to being stranded on a tiny French/Dutch island. Scary.
Thursday April 9th
Today we stopped at St. Thomas island. This is a U.S. owned island in the Virgin Islands. It actually felt good to be on America soil. Alot of celebrities own houses here. Mom (K'Lyn) chartered a Catamaran for us all which took us to St. John for snorkeling, beach, and light lunch. Alot of celebrities live on this island and they pointed them out as we sailed by them. There was Michael Jordans house, Madonna, Carol Burnett, and I cant remember the others. They were nice houses.
The Catamaran dropped us off on St John island. We snorkeled a little, but there wasnt much to see, and plus we only had 1 hour anyway. Then we ate a light lunch and headed back to St Thomas. Amy & I went back to the ship while some got dropped off in town to look at the shopping.
It might have been this night that was a formal dining night and they served lobster tail. I ordered 3 orders of lobster tail and it was heavenly.
Friday April 10th
Today the ship stopped in Grand Turks. This island is owned by Britain. But it was a VERY nice island. It has some gorgeous beaches, and seriously hundreds and hundreds of shells washed up on the shore. You could go shell hunting, snorkeling, or go hang out a Margaritaville, where there is a giant pool and a DJ and alot of drunk people dancing and having a great time. It felt good to dip in the pool to wash off all the sea water after snorkeling.
Back to the ship, dinner, plays, games, hot tub, steam room, buffet, whatever, sleep. It was a perfect day.
Saturday April 11th
This was a day at sea as the ship sailed its way back to Florida. I think most everyone was missing their kids and excited to go back home and sad to have to think about normal life again. There was alot to do on the ship this day.
Amy & I went to the middle of the ship to watch the Cirque du Soleil dancers do some acrobatics, and much to Amy's dismay, she was chosen to go dance with them. It was very funny. The guy acted like a toy doing the waltz and just threw Amy around. At one point her sandal went flying and the audience just laughed. I know that Amy secretly enjoyed it.
That afternoon we all went to Passenger Feud (like Family Feud). Our family was so big we had to split into 3 teams. Me, Amy, Eddie, Ben, Libby ended taking first and we won some princess bags. It was pretty fun.
We went swimming in one of the 3 pools, sat in the hot tub, talked about everything we had done and who had the worst sun burn, made fun of Joe and Weston and girls they had met on the cruise. They met these 2 teenager girls who were identical twins, we all started calling them the Twin Milkshakes.
Dinner was nice, Amy went to the musical while me and Ed and Daniel hung out in the hot tub and Sauna. That night we went to the magician/comedian. He had a pretty good show. About 1130pm we finally went back to our cabins and packed everything. That night I watched Mamma Mia! on the TV. I loved the music but thought it was bar-none thee stupidest show I have ever seen.
Sunday April 12th
We got up at 6am that morning and got off the ship and to the airport. We did the same flights on the way home, first to Atlanta, then to Denver, then to SLC.
We got home about 5pm, and got our kids from Amy's parents in Treemonton at 7pm-ish. It was really good to see them again and they were very happy to see us. There was alot of talking over each other as they each tried to tell us what they did and ask us questions about the cruise.
We stopped at my parents house on the way home cause the kids were hungry and mom made us all Pickles Cheese & Hot Dogs. We finally got home about 11pm and all went to bed.
Cruises are the greates vacations ever. You actually feel totally renewed and its the perfect length. I am sooooo glad mom sets these up for us all every 2-4 years, we enjoy them I think more than any other vacation. And doing it together as a family is priceless.
Obat Keputihan Aman Tanpa Efek Samping
*Obat Keputihan Aman Tanpa Efek Samping* - Keputihan adalah masalah pada
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7 years ago
1 comment:
Sounds WONDERFUL!!!! I have never been on a cruise but would really enjoy it, I think. You and your family always did know how to travel. :-)
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