Amy left yesterday and took all the kids to the farm in Idaho. Crystal loves the farm, as well as probably does Rooker. There is no hope for our kids, everywhere they go they are spoiled to death. We currently live in my parents basement while our house it Stockton is s-l-o-w-l-y being built. So they get spoiled the whole day here, and then we actually go somewhere, they get spoiled there as well.
And my Dad went to Oak City for the week, probably to work around the house a little and prepare it for winter.
And Ben is never here, and even when he is here, he isnt here. He spends TONS of time on the cell with girls and gossip. I dont think any of us were as bad as him. Of course, none of us really had a cell phone either. Ben is connected!
So its just me and Mom and Joe. We dont ever accomplish much. We just sit around, watch TV, and talk about how Joe doesnt do his homework like he should. Poor Joe, he always feels like he is getting picked on. And he is.
I am headed to Idaho on Friday with Amy's sis Mel and her husband Tyler. Then we are doing family pictures and going to a baby blessing on Sunday. I think it is Amy's cousin Trenton. Oh yeah, and Carolyn, Amy's other sis, is also blessing their little girl Riley Jean Dewsnup.
So it should be a fun weekend. Not sure what I am supposed to do with myself the whole rest of the week though, so I guess Ill just sit around and watch TV and eat.
Obat Keputihan Aman Tanpa Efek Samping
*Obat Keputihan Aman Tanpa Efek Samping* - Keputihan adalah masalah pada
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7 years ago
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