We did our final walkthrough finally. We did it yesterday. We talked about all the things that need to be fixed. They listed them all on a sheet of paper and then both parties signed and agreed to it, so it is all on a contract. I really think Wasatch Homes has done a god job overall of building our house. The only real problem we had was the length of time it took, but it seems talking to others, this is not unusual for any builder. They all seem to have the same problem.
We put like 12 things on the list that we wanted fixed. They said it was one of the smallest lists they have had. They said most have 2 pages of stuff. So we should be moving in a week from today. It will be soooo nice!!! We sign the papers on Wednesday next week for the loan and title. The Certificate of Occupancy should done wednesday, then it should all be recorded either Thursday or Friday and we can move in. Oh how nice that will be!
Then they walked us around the house and showed us all the manuals, warranties, where all the pipes come in and go out, where all the turn off valves are for water, power, propane, etc. Where the phone and tv come in. They even stubbed out a water line to the side of the house for a future sprinkler system. They showed us even how to drain it at the end of every year. They showed us how to change the furnace filter, how to light the water heater pilot light, the fireplace, how to run the thermostat, the garage door opener, the lights, the washer/dryer hookups, the fridge water hookup. EVERYTHING.
Then we went through a checklist of things to check, like the windows, tile, floor, paint, ceilings, trim, deck, molding, mirrors, cabinets, bathtubs, toilets, sinks. Checking for marks, cracks, whatever. We didnt hardly find anything. We found a tiny chip in our master bathroom bath. so they marked it on the list to fix before we move in. Its was really fun. They turned on the heater to while we were there, it warmed up really quick.
Another thing, we didnt order a fan for the bedroom, but they put one in anyway. We told them about it, and they wanted to sell it to us since they didnt want to take it out. I was pretty hesitant. I made them drop $50 from the price of the fan, and they agreed. So that was nice. So now we have a ceiling fan in the living room and in our bedroom.
We are super dooper excited!!!
Obat Keputihan Aman Tanpa Efek Samping
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7 years ago
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