The Blogs I Read

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Divorce and Death

So I read this month's Ensign and ran across 2 amazing articles. First is the comparison of the Good Samaritan to the Plan of Salvation which can be found online here.

The second was an article about a mother who's parents have decided to get a divorce. It was EXCELLENT! It can also be found online here. The paragraph that got me was this:

"Just as we grieve at the death of a loved one, we will grieve at the death of an important relationship. When a loved one dies, we have the hope that our family ties will continue beyond the grave. However, when our parents’ marriage ends, we can lose hope for that eternal family bond. There is no mortal relationship that is more intricately tied to who we are, and when it ends, grief in all its stages is to be expected."

Simply put, divorce is more devastating than death.

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