Tonight was fun. On the way home I had a spontaneous idea to invite a few families to our house for a Smore's cookout in our backyard fire ring. I invited Matt & Tiffany Hogan who brought their 2 kids, and Jeremy & Jolene Beard who brought their 3 kids, and Scott & Jessie Hunter who have 4 boys. They are all the same ages as our kids (except Bridger). I asked them all to come at 7pm and that we would cook till 8pm, then everyone could go home and put kids to bed.
At 7pm-ish, everyone showed up. It was really fun. We provided marshmallows, choclate bars, graham crackers, and hot choclate. We cooked and talked for an hour while the kids just ran all over creation and played on that Monkey Bar dome-thing and got yelled out for playing with the fire and chasing each other with the marshmallow skewers, and we cooked about 50 marshmallows total and drank about 2 gallons of hot choclate. It was really really really fun. And I think campfire food tastes better when its a little cold outside, which it was.
Anyway, 1 hour was perfect. None of the kids wanted to go home of course, but we said our goodbyes, burned all the trash, put the chairs away, and had our kids ready for bed by 8:30ish.
It seems to me that the spontaneous activites are always the funnest.
Obat Keputihan Aman Tanpa Efek Samping
*Obat Keputihan Aman Tanpa Efek Samping* - Keputihan adalah masalah pada
organ intim wanita dan hal itu wajar dialami oleh setiap wanita selama
keputihan t...
7 years ago
Fun!! You're right, there is nothing like a neighborhood s'more part. Fall is a perfect time for it.
I meant party
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