It was the funniest thing. Yesterday me and Amy and the kids and Joseph (my 12 yr old brother) were driving all over creation buying stuff. Joe was making weird noises, he does that sometimes for no other reason than to be annoying. All of the sudden, with the most sassy accent you could imagine, Crystal says "Shut Up Joe!". It was sooooo funny! And Joe needed it. We tried to tell Crystal she shouldnt say that, but Im sure she saw right through us as we probably say it all the time, making us hypocrites.
House Final Walk Through
We got an email from the builder saying that our house is scheduled for the final walk through on the 7th of Janurary. That is a week from tomorrow. The final walkthrough is where the builder and the superintendant walk through with you and show you how everthing works, which light switches do what, how to turn on/off the propane/water/electricity etc. You also look at anything that still needs to be done. Then about one week after that you can move in. So we are looking at moving in on the weekend of the 14th-15th, which is good since my last day at the storage units is scheduled to be the 15th.
Amy is bumbed that it is going to take a whole extra week longer than what she was hoping, but I want everything done right and for no one to be in a hurry.
Tomorrow we are going out to look at the house again. They should have put in the cabinets, and they may have even started on the carpeting. Then we are headed from there down to Oak City to stay the entire New Years weekend. It will be fun.
Obat Keputihan Aman Tanpa Efek Samping
*Obat Keputihan Aman Tanpa Efek Samping* - Keputihan adalah masalah pada
organ intim wanita dan hal itu wajar dialami oleh setiap wanita selama
keputihan t...
7 years ago
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